Alas, I am short on time; suffice it to say the December BlogMeet was a grand time, with sixteen bloggers and readers from all over gathered for food, libations* and conversation. I counted 16 attendees -- and failed to fully note everyone's names. Hard cider is not, as it turns out, a memory-enhancing tipple. From memory (and in no partular order): Mr. and Mrs. Red, Brigid, Shermlock Shomes & son, Turk Turon, Carteach0, Og, Brigid.... Tam and Caleb were missed; she's been visiting back across the Mason-Dixon line, and Caleb, it turns out, was busy taking the bronze in a combat pistol match that took longer than planned.
Oh, would you look at the time! Starships wait for no one. Links will have to be embedded later.
4 weeks ago
Someone knows good rootbeer.
Sprechers is much better when it is on tap though.
I shot a couple of hostages, just for you guys.
we're sorry we missed it!
Hey, is Og the white-bearded fella?
This picture intentionally not Og, as Roberta has been known to say. I prefer not to have my image on the internet, for a variety of reasons, and Roberta understands this; that kind of concentrated ugly could shut down our whole corner of the intarweb, let alone ripping the fabric of space-time.
Og's precise appearance is A Mystery; something about (and this is from memory) thirty-seven live badgers and a U. S. Marshal and a promise to never frighten another steelworker again -- but I probably have that wrong. (Or maybe I'm making it up and he just happened to be looking away when the shot was snapped; but nobody'd believe that!)
The bearded gentleman in the picture is Shermlock; the other bearded gent, behind the camera, is Carteach0. Og showed up late. Again. He said something about eating raw venison along the side of the road with a State Trooper after another driver roadkilled a deer....
Roadkill deer was involved. No badgers- or goats- were harmed in the making of this film.
"..that kind of concentrated ugly could shut down our whole corner of the intarweb, let alone ripping the fabric of space-time."
Thanks for the warning, Og. I wouldn't want to let the magic smoke out of my computer.
"He said something about eating raw venison along the side of the road ...roadkilled a deer..."
I heard that too. :)
Heh, thats how legends are born.
I'm not proud. I've eaten roadkill deer. Mostly fresh.
*blogmeet envy*
Envy duly noted. It was a grand time.
And having met Og, I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of those stories were true. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised the other way, either ...
Would you rather have the rough, unvarnished truth, or entertainment?
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