The BlogShoot is ON! Sunday, 26 April 2009
Location: Eagle Creek Range, see their website for directions and prices ($20 American/day, $65 for a 10-visit pass, huge savings!) Anyone who needs, see me for the use of my pass.
As for starting time, that depends on how much shootin' you have planned and whatever else might be on your schedule. The range opens at 10:00 am. We're hopin' to have bloggers/blog readers comin' and goin' right through 'til 2:30 or so. I will try to get there near opening time; Tam and her Shootin' Buddy will show up noonish (she has laundry and he's got a class).
BlogMeet is on, too! 3:00 pm, Broad Ripple Brewpub, 842 E. 65th St. Good food, fine beer, adequate companionship (Tam! Caleb! Frank W. James! Maybe other luminaries of the gun-blogosphere!) and the warm glow that comes from hangin' around with like-minded folk.
In other news, AR-15s (in .223) smell funny when shot and my AR works! (Yayy! I built it!) Also, I can knock down falling plates all the livelong day with .22 but with a 9 or .45, fuggetaboutit. The very same .45 I was hittin' bowling pins with earlier that same day, too. I think them plates is witched. It must be. But on these topics, possibly more, later.
Update: After posting this, I got my riding gear on and readied the scooter for a trip to the SuperDuperMarket. Leaned over to attach a bungee between the scooter and my milk crate cargo carrier and my tricky right knee said pop! So I've got a Cryo-Cuff on it, complete with the little air pump, which I will be wearing as I sleep. And there's a chance I'll be doing the brace-and-walking-cane thing tomorrow. Ooops. --My knee's been acting up a little for the past couple of weeks.
...Of course I went ahead and rode my scooter up to the store. Hey, you put the left foot down at stops. And the rear brake is more of ankle thing. :)
2 months ago
Congrats on the ARs, m'dear. I need to finish building mine.
Sounds like you had some extra shooty fun. Wish I wasn't 2k miles away.
Problem with shooting falling plates with a 9, is you have to hit them high to get them to drop. That, or a double tap.
Have a "blast" tomorrow!
Sorry I can't make it.
wv: cygne
That's "swan" or sumpin', innit?
Steel is witched. It can draw focus away from the front sight at any distance with its syren call "clank.. clank."
If you can drop pins, you can drop plates.
Come to think of it, my AR-15 ammo smoke has a very acrid odor: ammonia or chlorine, I'm not sure.
On the road in about an hour.
Thank you for the use of your card today. It was greatly apppreciated. Next time we're able to stick around at the meet, I owe you a beer or two.
Glad you enjoyed the shooting! I was sorry you guys hurried off at the BlogMeet -- BRBP was majorly crowded.
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