I hauled my sorry, lazy self to Iggle Crick at the ghastly early hour of...10:47 am. Ish. Up with the milkman, the paperboy and the cows! (Had to take time to make bacon, eggs & Swiss sandwiches on rye bread toast, it is the weekend after all) . There were a few bloggyshooters there already.
Later, more showed up, one and two at a time -- Wayne (with kewl zombie targetage), Frank W. James, Tam, Shootin' Buddy, and even more folks as I was headed out.
I put, gee, several hundred rounds downrange -- about half a 525-round box of .22, all my remaining .45ACP (have I mentioned in the last fifteen minutes how very much I like my Sistema Colt with the Cylinder & Slide M Corps kit? Oh, yeah!) and 75 or so rounds of 9 Luger, despite a very loose rear sight on my Star. It needs some help, just like my first slide on that frame did.
The inestimable Mr. James brought a nice [CAN'T TELL YOU YET] in .380 he's evaluating and I got to try it -- very small, quite accurate, lightweight but felt solid; it seems to dislike FMJ ball ammo but cycles hollowpoints like a house afire. Also? You have to step back and admire a man who runs hot 10mm loads in a Colt Delta Elite while both the gun in his hand and the target (50 feet away) look like he's shooting .22. --There's no mistaking the tumbling brass, though. I was in the next bay, six feet away, and it was flying past me, yelping all the while.
Broad Ripple Brewpub next, see you there? I'll be trying to liveblog it.
2 months ago
Outrageous profligacy with regard to ammo. If you've looked to buy .380, .45 ACP or 9mm recently you would be more frugal. About the only thing to be easily found is premium social engagment quality for when you care enough to send the very best. Still, sounds like lots of fun!
We're saving the brass for reloading. Besides, if you can shoot well, you can get more ammo.... ;/
Plus the .380 was farmer Frank's.
I am tapped out on .45; 9 I get from a source I have chosen not to share.
Next time I will try to make it to the range.
"([S]he has laundry and he's got a class)."
Should this not read, "she has laundry and he's got class"?
Shootin' Buddy
"([S]he has laundry and he's got a class)."
Should this not read, "she has laundry and he's got class"?
Shootin' Buddy
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