Oh, am I ever. --I was feeling a little lousy Friday; started out better Saturday but went downhill and by the time I was at work (we all get extra shifts in May, there's a lot going on at the Skunk Works), I felt like the walking dead -- joint aches, chills, spacey.
Just barely made it home, napped, was awake a bit and then back to sleep, alternating chills and feelin' overheated. Eight hours later I was up, a bit better but still just...drained. Sore all over. I ate breakfast and napped.
And here I are. Moderately better but not real better. I dunno what this is but it can stop now. I'm gonna go soak in the tub. No, you can't help.
2 months ago
But we can send our well wishes. Hope you feel better soon.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.
1. Why can't I help?
2. My friend Dave recommends the Canadian Club cure. Kill a bottle of Canadian Club (pint?) When you awaken, you will feel better!
Seriously, get well soon!
Because it's a very small tub, George.
--Special offer to the guy who installs us a hot tub at Roseholme: you can help with the soaking in the warm water! Oh, such a deal. Might wanna wait 'til I am no longer contagious.
(I haven't had my bath yet, got distracted. Didja know Grizzly will sell ya a fiiine imported hand tapping machine cheaper than you can find 'em on eBay? For true!)
PPS: The voda & grapefruit juice cure has worked for me in the past; CC'd do, too. (CC & Sprite?) But I'm already dizzy enough with this whatever-it-is.
Get well soon.
Hot buttered rum always works for me!
You might also try tea with lemon, honey and Bourbon.
Soon get well!
Feel better.
Same thing always happened to me once or twice a year at my previous job. Stress plus exhaustion; I'd pretty much crash one morning - often coming home from work at lunchtime - fall into bed, get up for a few crackers, lots of water in and out, and not wake up until the next afternoon. Not pretty, but always felt better afterwards.
Of course, now that I'm out of that job, I haven't had the experience in several years...
Hope you feel better, Roberta.
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