Sunday, April 14, 2013

Feed Us! Feed Us!

     Especially, feed us your leftovers.
     How thrilled they were to learn that with canned corned beef, there is real, actual can grease -- and they each got a tiny taste of it.


Cincinnatus said...

And thereby you earned their undying gratitude ...

Which for a cat is about six minutes.

naturegirl said...

My cat won't hold still long enough to get such a clear picture, but she looks like yours on the right. And she got her first gray whisker this year (she's 16 yrs old now).

Jennifer said...

Awe. Spoiled kitties

Tam said...

That picture is almost 3D, if you know the size difference of the cats...

Matt G said...

I was just thinking how long the depth of field was, considering that Huck's head is most of a foot closer to the camera than Rannie's.

Anonymous said...

How much are you paying nowadays for the standard 12 oz can of corned beef?

I can't get a straight answer, but it seems the supply line from South America has been severed, at least twice due to illegal anti-parasite meds in the meat. Or the local meatpacking lobby decided that they want the business and are paying protection money to the USDA (total speculation on my part, BTW).

Anyway, the stuffs back on the shelf from about 4 years ago, made in the USA now, and north of $4 a pound. If I could afford a pressure canner now I'd do it myself for a better product at less than half the price (sans labor, but I can multitask)