Just "No."
It doesn't help saying it but hey, at least I did something? Gotta git out and shovel.
There's another 3" or more on the way during the day. And the trash has to go out. And Tam-of-the-injured-shoulder has the stubborns, and swears she can haul the cans out front. "Can" and "should:" not actually synonyms. So, laters; I gotta boot up, glove up, lay hold and heave.
ETA: Photo is from last night. There's another 1.5" - 2" on top of that and the forecast calls for another three or more by the end of the day.
2 months ago
As a resident of the balmy shores of Lake Ontario, where Canada dumps her unwanted snow, I can't see enough in the photo to make a fuss about. But as a native of the Midwest, my back aches in sympathy.
Ah, the irony of this situation. I'm over 90 miles NORTH of you and everything is clear, not a white flake in sight.
It seems like anymore that mid-to-southern Indiana has done something to anger Mother Nature...
All The Best,
Frank W. James
...I'm thinkin' Indiana University....
(Why, yes, I attended Purdue. However did you know?)
Dave: I'm just whining. I don't like cold and snow.
Of course, I have the flip side: It is forecast to be 87 degrees here, just two weeks before Christmas.
For 5 months of the year, it is unbearably hot and humid here, to the point where you cannot go outside for more than a few minutes, and are forced to hide inside your air conditioned house. To ensure that the humidity stays high, it rains every afternoon for about an hour.
For another 6.5 months of the year, the temperature goes from unbearably hot and humid down to merely uncomfortably hot and humid.
There is about a week or two mixed in there where the temperatures and humidity are bearable.
When it does dip down into colder temperatures for a day or two at a time, the humidity stays high, so that you are chilled to the bone and it doesn't matter how much you wear, you are still cold.
Can you tell that I don't like Florida weather?
I don't like cold and snow.
Neither do I. I'm still wondering what possessed me to move here.
Oh, that's right. SWMBO wanted to live someplace different, and work was available here. I tell ya, the things we do for love.
Panic here yesterday. Company where I work is directly affected by the weather. Any time they throw the evil three letter "ice" word in to the forecast, we be clearing the decks for a major battle.
Anyway...the ice has come and gone, we have no outtages and dah pretty snow is falling. All is well... :-)
We had about 4" over here near the Towers, most of which is already melted off the driveway and the streets. Her Ladyship was hoping she'd get a snow day and get to sleep in. Since I don't leave the house for work and have to work regardless of weather, I'm kind of glad she didn't :) That month she was stuck at home after the hip replacement just about killed me.
Well, it will be interesting to see how much more we get today and tonight. Then I guess we get to do it all over again on Sunday.
The wife and I honeymooned in Naples, FL, in late September 2000. Talk about unbearably hot and humid. I almost never went back :)
It's not the couple inches ofsnow that's the problem, apparently: It's the half-inch of glassy ice underneath it that turned the morning commute in Hoosieropolis into a game of bumper cars. :o
Yeah, we had ice too, but the roads were still warm enough to melt it. My car on the other hand...I couldn't scrape it off. I had to just let the car run while I went back in and made a pot of coffee. :-)
Still coming down heavy in Dayton. They're saying we may get as much as 9".
The "No" needs to be spoken more forcefully.
Come over here where its currently 5 deg. F at 1:00PM and practice ...
Yep, y'all are in the bullseye... Stay safe...
Be glad you dont have to deal with the drivers in California. I did a round trip to San Jose this after noon. We got enough rain to make me run the wipers twice. I don't know how you can flip a car on a straight road, but these are the same bunch that voted gov. moonbeam back into office.
Cal Trans closes the roads in this state when a snow flake touches the ground. Be safe and don't let Tam do the trash.
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