It's the neighborhood shooting range I've longed for! --Literally minutes from my house, Indy Arms Co. is ramping up to their official opening next week. Presently, they're open limited hours, noon to five most days, training their staff and getting to know customers.
Monday, I visited to check out the store and range, bringing the H&R Model 999 top-break .22 revolver I found this past weekend, a High-Standard R-101 and Ruger Mk. II. Yes, all .22s.
The store is neatly organized and brightly lit, as is the range. The range also has a nice double sound lock and handwashing area. The staff was friendly and helpful. I shot for about an hour and didn't do too badly.
The store are has a nice selection of firearms, all reputable stuff from well-known names.
I'll be returning. When they start regular hours, I'll be able to shoot after work -- and not have to race across town!
2 months ago
I never would have thought Broad Ripple would get a gun shop/indoor range before we got a good used book store. o.O
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