Make that Red with some little gold stars. Our buddies in Red China miss the Cold War, I guess, or at least would like to combine making cheap stuff for the world, U. S. especially, with the rankest sort of saber-rattling.
How rank? Here ya go: the PLA taking Okinawa and knocking out a U. S. carrier group. Ain't they just sumpin'?
"Si vis pacem, para bellum," the ancients remind us; but there's an important distinction between para bellum and outright bellicosity. At present, this is largely fantasy, all but the Mach 10 missiles, about which hoping for poor QC may be the most effective defense presently available.
Video -- and excellent discussion -- found at The Unwanted Blog, q.v.
Oh, Hector Bywater? He he was a journalist who wrote up the war in the Pacific between the U.S. and Japan -- in 1925. Got most of it right, too, and died mysteriously as the real thing was warming up in the wings.
World War Three: more a matter of "when" than "if." Gather rosebuds while ye may.
2 months ago
Ley us not forget Homer Lea...
Darned early morning caffeine deficiency.
Okinawa? Or Taiwan?
I dunno for sure -- I'm going with Scott (The Unwanted Blog) Lowther's take on the video.
Well, to quote Arte Johnson, "Very interesting..."
The Unwanted Blog looks interesting as well. (Gonnna have to give it a deeper look-see).
That vid looks to me like a message to the people of South China Sea (Future Theater of Operations).
I.E., Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, etc.
"We will crush you like a bug and America is powerless to help you."
The Chinese are sand dredging and building a 2,000 acre plus military base there to reinforce their territorial claims.
They want a lock on the suspected energy reserves there and the fishing rights to sweeten the pot.
They will get away with it because they know the main thing on Obama's mind is securing his legacy.
Unfortunately for America, the disastrous 'legacy' he's actually securing is not the legacy he thinks he's making.
Giving the Islamic fundamentalists in Iran who want nuclear weapons 150 Billion dollars.
What could possibly go wrong with *that*?
I would suggest that "PLA Island Retaking Battle" indicates Taiwan.
We have nothing on Taiwan, but we DO hold bases on Okinawa. Formosa would be rolled up long before this scenario, IMO...
Okinawa was never a Chinese possession.
That looks like an intro for an RTS game. Watching it live is more fun. (Korean characters in the title but the video is safe.):
It's easy to look good in animation, or when you;re unopposed. I am reminded, "No plan of battle survives contact with the enemy."
Too, there's always the problem of some nitwit deciding Aitches are wild and playing one. What happens after that is anyone's guess. Last I heard, Russia's not-quite Strangelovian "Dead Hand" system was still active and only they know what the triggering criteria might be or what cut-outs or failsafes the system might have.
"...Looking Glass, Looking Glass...?"
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