Says here The Bloomberg is thinking about making an independant run for President, no doubt because us poor, ignorant hilljacks are still not seeing the light, and keep on keeping and bearing arms, using slt, and even buying the occasional Big Gulp.*
If The Donald doesn't get the GOP's blessing, he may try going it alone, too. This sets the stage for the Perfect Storm: [Clinton or Sanders] vs.Bloomberg vs. [Cruz, Rubio or a Player To Be Named Later] vs. Trump. Their mutual popularity results in a four-way tie in the Electoral College and they're all four exiled to Antarctica with a pallet-load of Spam, four matches and a Boy Scout tent, while we start the whole mess over from scratch with an entire new slate on all sides.
Sure, the choices won't be any better, but we'll be rid of everybody's headaches. Yeah, yeah, and some people's Great Bloated Hope, but hey, it's all about compromise, right?
* Not me! --Why don't they make bigger coffee cups?
2 months ago
"all four exiled to Antarctica with a pallet-load of Spam, four matches and a Boy Scout tent."
Promise? We need to hurry while it's still summer there.
Oh, bad news about that. The Twelfth Amendment specifically states that if there's no majority winner, the House of Representatives get to choose from the top three contestants. And it has to be "by ballot", so my idea for a three way cage match is a non-starter as well.
Pilot/Flying J Travel Centers have 100oz insulated travel mugs. Looks like a small keg with a handle.
How many Presidential candidates can you get in one?
azmountaintroll: Well, at least it's good news for the "anyone-but-Trump" Republicans. "An ill wind...," as they say.
"all four exiled to Antarctica with a pallet-load of Spam, four matches and a Boy Scout tent."
What a waste of perfectly good Spam!
Tsk, Jake, would you have me be utterly heartless? :)
I'd even be willing to kick in a few bucks to help pay for the Spam, if that scenario could only become real.
No mention of McAfee?
Well, not utterly heartless. They can have Treet, instead.
how about a nice pallet of mre's?
"None of the above is acceptable."
Current speculation is that Bloomie is threatening to run to secure for himself a plum cabinet appointment, ambassadorship, or the vice-presidency itself.
To me, that sounds quite plausible.
The HildaBeast or Bernie will sit in the Oval Office while he can push for gun control policy and-or other Progressive mayhem.
And boy, oh, boy, wouldn't it be nice if Hill or Bern dies in office?
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