Thursday, March 17, 2016


     ...In the same sense as "truant."  I've been off all this week, doing exciting things like clearing away fallen tree limbs from the roof and yard, trying to make headway on the Many Things piled on the dining room table* (I have a new one to put together, if I can only clear this one and store it away) and so on.

     So I haven't much to post, really.  Maybe some pictures of the filled-up gutters?  Oooo, could be!  Look, the Rebublic may be lurching towards a whole new era of authoritarianism, but those twigs and leaves are not going to remove themselves!
* Tamara and I are a positive menace to any open flat surface and in combination, we don't add, we heterodyne.  "Is this your Electric Radio magazine?" "I dunno, is that box of .316 Frikkin Obscure yours?" "Look, a Christmas card from your niece!  Postmarked 2007!"  And so on. 


Keads said...

HA! I fully understand that.

Guffaw in AZ said...

Most of the women I know seem to see flat, open surfaces as tables - even if they are not(?)And fill them surface area + 10%.
My roomie has piles of stuff adjacent to the couch, because the nearby table is full. I call it 'pending Jenga'!
Or perhaps I just attract these kind of women?


Bruce H. said...

I testify that it's not a sex linked trait.

Countglockula said...

Hmmm.... My 'workroom' (non sequitur, as little actual work is done there), in its layered splendor, is not what would be considered a mess. In actuality, it could be defined as complex stratigraphy, if you are a geologist. Or perhaps, an archeological anomaly if you are a historian.

In any case, it's mine, and I love it...

Ladies, these are precious artifacts, not to be destroyed, but preserved and cherished. Neatness is seldom a virtue.


Irishdoh said...

So, um, is .316 Frikkin Obscure a rifle or pistol cartridge? Pre or post Great War?

jdunmyer said...

A friend laughs at my "electronics bench"; he's known me for many years, but has never seen the top of that bench. "Piled to the maximum angle of repose" is the best description. Same for my desk, computer desk, and 2 of the other 3 benches in the shop. Not to mention the welding bench.

Am working on the woodshop to get back to a bare workbench, nearly there! For how long is another question entirely. <>

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

"Hey! You got ham stuff in my ammo!"

"Hey! You got ammo in my ham stuff!"

Electrically-explosive hilarity ensues.

We have the same problem here with flat surfaces, BTW. It's not just a female thing.

Old NFO said...

At least y'all aren't stacking stuff in random corners yet...

RandyGC said...

Hey! I resemble all of these remarks!

Joe in PNG said...

I'm sure your cats view this stacking of various items as part of your duty to give them varied and ever changing sleeping surfaces.

Mine surely does.

Anonymous said...

Shelves. Lots of shelves.

Danger! Shelves that will be built will soon be filled with lots of...

Stuff. (I'm trying to be polite by using 'Stuff'. Really! Think along the lines of words that rhyme with 'Whit'...)

As you're outside clearing organic debris, let your eyes wander to the back yard, and imagine a large steel shed added on to the garage...

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Oh, that reminds me. I have to clean out the garage this spring, else face divorce proceedings. At least that's what she's threatening. For some reason, she really doesn't enjoy cleaning snow and ice off of her car at 4:00 in the ayem...even though I keep trying to tell her that the garage isn't actually for parking cars in. (At least, it hasn't been in my lifetime.)

Roberta X said...

My dream is a larger garage with a second story.

jdunmyer said...

Our house garage hasn't held a car since maybe 1980 or thereabouts. We built "another" barn in 1972, and I was warned "that's the last toybox I'm building for you". It is filled about to the brim; we added shelves some years ago and THEY are full. Built a 30'X30' garage 2 years ago, put shelves across the back wall, and THEY are full. The first barn is 40' X 60', divided into 3 "bays"; the 2 on the ends both have lofts that are full of "stuff".

Today's find at the scrapyard, 4 Allen-Bradley relays and a motor starter, are in a bucket sitting on the floor, as the shelves are full.

Roberta, your dream garage would be full-up in no time, and your cars would still sleep outside. So sorry to bring you the bad news.

Joseph said...

I am the same way with about any flat is soon occupied by "Stuff". I'll be making a concerted push over the next couple of weeks to get rid of some of said stuff. (Well, some of it).

Farmist said...

Corollary of Murphy's Law
Ringwald's Law Of Household Geometry: Any Horizontal Surface Is Soon Piled Up.