I have said it before: I do not so much mind the notion that some secret cabal or camarilla is running the world from their secret headquarters in Zurich or Duluth.
What I mind is that they do such a lousy job of it. If the Hidden Rulers Of Everything were even a little bit on the ball, there'd be intercontinental ballistic passenger rockets, robot valets and a luxury hotel on the Moon -- with, of course, a totally secret members-only club where the HROE could hang out, paneled in Lunar diamonds and the scalps of their enemies. For their convenience, there'd be air-droppable, solar-powered cellular telephone hubs (tapped, of course, by the HROE) and scalable, air-droppable power plants in both atomic and solar, with a sideline in wind and ocean-thermal versions, all built under patents the HROE control, in HROE-owned factories. They'd desalinate seawater and (being greedy plutocrats) sell it to the thirsty at prices that'd keep them alive to come back to buy more, day after day after day.
But they don't. We have none of these things -- and neither do they. If there are secret rulers of the world, they're idiots. Clods. They could be plundering an entire solar system and living off the fat of the land behind high walls, supporting bread, circuses and streetcar lines to placate the masses out of petty cash.
We need a better line of hidden despots. The ones we have -- if we do -- suck at the job. They sow only panic and reap only famine, poverty and failure. I'm starting to think they just might be imaginary.
2 months ago
If you're not already familiar with it, check out the David Crosby song, "What Are Their Names".
What are their names and on what streets do they live?
I'd like to ride right over this afternoon and give
Them a piece of my mind ...
I promise you, the Freemasons have nothing to do with it.
Because if we did, things would be even worse. We’d still be arguing about whether closing the buggy whip factories was a good idea. Or if Brother Washington was really the right guy to lead the Continental Army against the redcoats.
So it goes. It’s probably the Odd Fellows.
You don't even need secret societies to explain the state of the world; NO government ever rules for the benefit of the governed.
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