The current news cycle has reminded me that the news media's second great love -- after young, lively Democrat politicians -- is an elderly, dead Republican politician, especially when he can be contrasted with living ones in a way that makes them look bad.
It's odd. They told me John McCain was a scary, dangerous warhawk when he was alive; now that he can no longer cast a vote in the Senate or run for President, he's a distinguished elder statesman.
2 months ago
To be fair, they've been pretty fond of him ever since he became the leading NeverTrumper in the Senate.
Berke Breathed, whatever else you might think of him, once wrote that the difference between a "statesman" and a "politician" is that "a statesman is a dead politician."
I'm inclined to agree.
if not for double standards...... :)
I honor John McCain for his military service to our nation. Other than that, I did not have a lot of use for his political leanings. He was either a liberal Republican, or a conservative Democrat, neither of which I am fond of.
I always thought that no matter who you were, you should not try to hide behind anything, but stand up tall and strong, and be proud of your beliefs. That is called character, which I find many of our politicians lacking.
Still, I do sent my condolences to his family. He was a husband and a father before being classed as a politician, and it is they who are in need of my support now, as I understand just how tough it is to lose a parent, no matter what the circumstances.
The virtue signaling among Trumpanzees over who hated McCain the most is hilarious.
"I think he was a poopie-head!"
"Oh, yeah? Well I think he was a commie poopie-head!"
We've got it. You really hate them libruls. *pats head* Run along now, grownups are talking.
Interesting that they turned warhawk into elder statesman when he was neither. Not even "war hero" - he was a very junior rookie pilot on an ill fated mission and got shot down. Prisoner of war hero (for the torture he endured) is the one thing he did right (presumably - we know he was tortured - we only have his word for his behavior going through it).
Jeez, Jay Eimer, do you always piss on corpses, or is it just him? And do you think the man was in isolation the whole time he was a POW? Nope.
Nope - but be famous for surviving torture after failing does not may make a hero (sort of) but not a politician. And lending your name to unconstitutional legislation (McCain-Feingold) makes you a traitor to your oath and thus unworthy of a veteran's respect.
How's that shovel holdin' up? Keep digging!
Roberta X,
I don't think that Jay Eimer really understands just how long 5 and a half years is, when you are in a POW prison. Any man, or for that matter, woman, who endures such a thing while in service to our country, deserves not only our respect, but our thanks and eternal gratitude.
One other man who always struck me as an example of courage is James Stockdale, who spent over 7 years in the Hanoi Hilton. I found the link to the book that he and his wife wrote, telling about the experience. I normally would not post something like this on here, but the book is that important.
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