Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden have clinched the Presidential nomination of their respective parties. Quick, everyone act surprised about this -- it'll make them so happy.
Come November, both men will be older than Ronald Reagan was at the end of his second term of office, so let's get all the doomsaying over age out of the way now. No matter which way things go, an old guy is going to win the office.
2 months ago
Whatever . . . the next four years should prove "interesting".
It is my fervent hope they will be dull. At least domestically.
I've lived through it, but I can't for the life of me figure out how these 2 are the best we can do as candidates for President.
It is sad to think that out of 300 million plus citizens, this is the best we can find to hold executive office.
I have been pleasantly surprised by Joe Biden. Oh, he's not much of a public speaker; I disagree with a number of his policies. But he's a decent-enough guy, and he's run the Executive Branch competently. He has avoided bombast and posturing. It's enough. I'm not looking for a Great Hero, just someone who will show up on time, finish their work and not steal the silver.
Eighty is the new sixty, and we've had plenty of presidents who were over sixty. In the listing of presidents by age on Wikipedia, I counted only 23 who were under 60 at the end of their service. (Of course, I am breathing down the neck of my 86th birthday, so don't count on the reliability of my count ; )
in re the first commenter’s “ Whatever . . . the next four years should prove "interesting".”
Imagine not realizing how much you’re telling on yourself via simple typography.
Cop Car: I don't mind old. We've had plenty of Presidents who were, by the standards of their day, old. And since both candidates are old, their ages don't count against them when comparing. I do, however, object to "autocratic" and "nutty," and that eliminates the GOP's guy.
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