This morning, it appears that the general unhappiness of my desktop computer may, in fact, be something more than Mozilla and Microsoft not wanting to play nice. It's been a good, long run -- seven years -- but it's looking like my security software, one that is a notorious resource hog, is becoming too much for the system to run while any foreground application is running as well.
4 weeks ago
On my current personal laptop, I've been lazy and have been using Defender. For browsing, my daily driver has been Firefox for years, with uBlock Origin added on. So far, so good.
I recall a time when I always had a write-protected thumbdrive with ComboFix, an up-to-date version of the Microsoft Safety Scanner, and some other tools, ready to heal client computers. I don't even know where that's been years since I've had to attempt to clean a PC.
I'm running Zorin OS, mostly without glitches. Withe WINE you can run most Microsoft programs.
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