I've mentioned before that I'm not a big fan of Rush Limbaugh. The guy's job is to get people riled up and he rarely lets logic get in the way of a good blood-boil; there's nothing wrong with that, especially as entertainment and it's not like he's secretive about it -- it's just not a style I enjoy.
On the other hand, if the man wants to buy a professional football team, what's the problem?
If you ask (or even if you don't) Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay, he'll tell you it's all about people's feeeeelings: "I, myself, couldn’t even consider voting for him. When there are comments that have been made that are inappropriate, incendiary and insensitive, our words do damage, and its something we don’t need." After all, what group of men could possibly be more sensitive and refined than NFL players?
Longtime sports figures, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have weighed in against allowing the radio host to buy a team, too; with both men having put in decades owning NFL teams, I'm sure their judgement carries special weight. I cannot confirm that part of their statement pointed out, "...if you allow even one of these dirty, Republican-leaning subhumans to sit at the same lunch counter as decent Progressives, it will destroy our culture." Limbaugh, rumored to be traveling in the back of a city bus, on his way to sit in the balcony (rightwinger seating) at the NFL owners meeting, was said to be unavailable for comment.
Geez, what it wrong with NFL ownership (and its kibitzers)? Guy has money. If -- and it is still if -- the team in St. Louis is for sale and his check's good, where's the problem? Baseball got along well enough with the far more abrasive Marge Schott, who makes Mr. Limbaugh's rhetoric sound like Eleanor Roosevelt; Mrs. Schott, given the freedom to speak out, made friends, influenced people and was frequently slapped down in the press and by Major League Baseball: plenty of entertainment for everyone. (Here's what Rush said six years ago, plus commentary).
The NFL should take his money and let Rush Limbaugh speak for himself. Football's already full of bombast; a little more from a different angle won't hurt.
Grow up, Mr. Irsay; this isn't second grade. How a guy can send young men out o smash eachother up for profit, then turn around and get all squishy 'cos somebody on the team or in the crowd might suffer hurt feelings over the opinions he suspects a loudmouthed owner (and there aren't any of those in the NFL now and there never have been, hey?) might express is beyond me -- and when you consider the history of the Colts and Irsays (sneaking out of Baltimore in the dead of night, for instance), it buggers the imagination.
2 months ago
Ol' druggy-boy Jimmy doesn't want Rush to have a team?
Well, I don't want a convicted doctor-shopping narcotics abuser to have a team, either.
Guess that means Jim-boy needs to sell the Colts, stat.
Probably afraid the crap that goes on behind closed doors at the NFL owners' meetings will suddenly become talk radio fodder.
Funny, I just finished reading a story about football...
It's about brain injuries. I kinda wonder if SCA heavy weapons fighters get the same thing.
Funny stuff happens when you start comparing the claims of the would-be-injured to recent history.
Pretty much agree about Limbaugh myself, never listened to (or watched) his show(s) deliberately.
The problem isn't that Limbaugh said that McNabb only got attention because he's black, the problem is that all the barking moonbat libtards believe the claims that he said far worse. And now Limbaugh is taking some of them to court for slander, I mean libel. (Might actually be both, not sure how The Law regards teh intert00bz in this context.)
No one is really a fan of Rush especially in one of the most integrated American pastimes.
Funny how the owners of major sports teams get all ruffled around the edges when some one new comes along. The NHL owners ... yes, hose paragons of virtue and rectitude ... got all wrapped around their axles at the thought of billionaire prospective owner Jim Balsillie buying his way into their little club. They accused him of being argumentative and not keeping his word. This from the biggest bunch of leap frogs and spin doctors since Mark what'shisname of the Dallas whoknows.
I suspect that your last line was deliberate, but just in case:
In THIS former British colony, the phrase is "It BEGGARS the imagination".
'Twas deliberate: "beggaring imagination" is the nice incredulousness; the other just plain messes it up all rude-like. Unless the imagination is into that, of course.
Well, what do you know - I was right, and it WAS deliberate.
Don't you go and get all predictable now, y'hear? :)
There was a little thing called eminent domain involved in the timing of the Colts departure from Baltimore.
Jim was about 24 years old when that happened, so any stones cast his way over his actions should be aimed at things he was actually responsible for.
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