Thursday, September 01, 2011

Hallelujah - Imogen Heap

One voice. A little electronics. Nothing more.


SpeakerTweaker said...

Wow. That was impressive! I can't imagine it took a great deal to record that, either. Decent room, great mic, and a few hundred bucks worth of software will to that nicely.

I keep hearing about Imogen Heap, but I've never sat down and listened. That shall have to change.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Wow. Just. Wow.

jed said...

Nice, but a bit minimal for my taste. May I suggest Allison Crowe?

I'm probably your only reader who is simultaneously reminded of Imogen Cunningham and Uriah Heep.

Gewehr98 said...

Nice, but nowhere near the caliber of that same song as performed by the late Jeff Buckley - which I believe even Leonard Cohen would have to agree with...

Now, Imogen Heap singing "Come Here, Boy" is definitely an audio experience.