This USB keyboard typewriter conversion looks to be a lot slicker than the earlier versions.
If that doesn't suit you, how about a QWERKYWRITER? Longer lead time, but slick as can be,
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Those are neat, but I'd have carpal tunnel in a month... And my luck, I'd get one with a pre-stuck key... sigh
Pretty neat, but I'm liking their Hot Rod Typewriters even more. Pretty sweet!
I'm wondering if these folks have ever typed a full manuscript. There's a reason I went to computer/word processor in the '80s.
Point. Though I'm partial to tbe better manuals, after having started writing with a buge Royal and mobed up to an IBM Electromatic (pre Selectric). Excellent machines, but compared to, say, a 1920s/20s Remington, Corona or Underwood portable, you do a *lot* of work. The latter three are not that much more effortful than a Model M keyboard -- except for the editing!
That Qwerkywriter looks suspiciously like the Remington portable my Grandfather used, purchased around 1941.
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