The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Spot The Problem
Found in the Prohibition exhibit at the Indiana State Museum, in the portion dealing with the efforts to ban liquor. Can you identify the problem with this document?
I'll take a guess that "involved in" would count Mr. Stone-cold sober ferrying half a dozen drunk buddies home from the bar getting into a fender-bender as six instances of drunk people involved in a traffic accident.
They haven't gone away. MADD would be more public for straight up demon-rum likker bans if they thought they could get away with it. And sometimes they let the mask slip.
(I was involved with the A side before I ever did the F side. T was in the middle. ATF. The forms you have to fill out on the A stuff is just as bad as the F stuff, btw.)
This poster's placement in the exhibit (with pre-18th Amendment material) was especially telling; but an exhibit about Prohibition necessarily ends with Repeal.
This is _still_ how they collect "drunk-driving" statistics, so it is as relevant as the date: '"involved in" would count Mr. Stone-cold sober ferrying half a dozen drunk buddies home from the bar getting into a fender-bender as six instances of drunk people involved in a traffic accident.'
They also count the drunk carefully driving home at 20mph, who gets rear-ended by a sober idiot talking on the cell phone while driving 70 in a 45mph zone.
And then there are the statistics collected for marijuana and driving. If you are sober, and your passenger is drunk and has traces of THC metabolites (that is, he is not high now but was high several days ago), it's a "marijuana-involved accident" as well as a "drunk-driving accident".
(c) 2007 through 2025, inclusive. All rights reserved.
Ego vadum perussi vestri prandium
"I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends; that their friendship was for summer weather only; that they did not greatly propose to do right; that they were a distinct race from me by their prejudices and superstitions."
Henry David Thoreau
Blogs: A link here does not constitute an endorsement! Many people have gone nuts in recent years.
the date is a little late if you want to bolster a case for a nationwide ban...
The 2-1/3rd statistics are not necessarily complimentary.
"Taken to the hospital?" What about those who don't go to the hospital, either because they are unhurt or because they are dead?
And honestly, who gives a damn about them? I want to know who they hurt. They can harm themselves all they like as far as I'm concerned.
So really we are talking about 1/3 here?
Your basic correlation/causation false assumption. How many of these "definitely drunk" are on their way to jail, for instance?
2/3rds have been drinking. You can't be drunk without drinking.
1/3 are drunk. But the other 1/3 have been drinking. Umm...maybe they were using IV's??? yes?
What LCB said.
To which I would add "sober people have accidents too."
I'll take a guess that "involved in" would count Mr. Stone-cold sober ferrying half a dozen drunk buddies home from the bar getting into a fender-bender as six instances of drunk people involved in a traffic accident.
The first question I have is what percentage of those that were drinking or drunk were also driving?
But the biggest question is, "What do drunk-driving stats from 1936 have to do with Prohibition?
"But the biggest question is, "What do drunk-driving stats from 1936 have to do with Prohibition?"
Perhaps the writer had an interest in bringing back Prohibition.
Much like the predictions of death and destruction every time a gun control law dies.
Point taken but I doubt the prohibitionists just gave up in 1933. This may have been part of a local campaign.
Heck, Tennessee still has dry counties.
They haven't gone away. MADD would be more public for straight up demon-rum likker bans if they thought they could get away with it. And sometimes they let the mask slip.
(I was involved with the A side before I ever did the F side. T was in the middle. ATF. The forms you have to fill out on the A stuff is just as bad as the F stuff, btw.)
Heh. Someone was butthurt about Alcohol decriminalization?
This poster's placement in the exhibit (with pre-18th Amendment material) was especially telling; but an exhibit about Prohibition necessarily ends with Repeal.
This is _still_ how they collect "drunk-driving" statistics, so it is as relevant as the date: '"involved in" would count Mr. Stone-cold sober ferrying half a dozen drunk buddies home from the bar getting into a fender-bender as six instances of drunk people involved in a traffic accident.'
They also count the drunk carefully driving home at 20mph, who gets rear-ended by a sober idiot talking on the cell phone while driving 70 in a 45mph zone.
And then there are the statistics collected for marijuana and driving. If you are sober, and your passenger is drunk and has traces of THC metabolites (that is, he is not high now but was high several days ago), it's a "marijuana-involved accident" as well as a "drunk-driving accident".
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