It feels redundant to put any text here. I have seen the Ted Cruz announcement and he was almost fractally unlikeable by my lights. Oh, he kinda talks a good fight on a very few things, but most of them are things the President hasn't got the power to do.
Mr. Mencken still snickers.
If you are a religious conservative, he may be your man. That's fine. I'm not and he isn't.
(Sidebar: Ted Cruz is caricature-ready, from the slicked-back hair to the slicked-back accent, and as a result, I predict he will be a media darling for several weeks while they work out the best angles for his skewering and figure out who on the SNL cast will play him. It will be interesting to see how he takes it.)
2 months ago
If Ted becomes the GOP candidate will you:
A) Stay home and not Vote?
B) Vote for him?
C) Vote for the Dem or 3rd Party?
Of all the religious ones that can run, he might be the least offensive. If there is nothing on TV and he is the nom, I might not actively avoid the polls.
But I don't think he will be the Nom. He and Rand are young, I'd rather see them dominate the Senate. With Ben Carson, new Senator from Maryland in 2017. Just Senator...
I'm not trying to start a war here, but if ya had yer druthers, who'd be the candidate? I think Cruz would at least follow the Constitution, which is my litmus test for anyone....
Way too early. Cruz fatigue will set in long before the primaries start.
I'd prefer Walker, anyway. Anyone who sits on that throne of skulls he's built has badass cred.
They just said on the news his wife will be "taking a leave" from her job as a banker at Goldman Sachs. That by itself would take him off my list. I have a lot of problems with the "ethics" Goldman Sachs has shown over the past 20 years and how closely tied they are to both the government and the Federal Reserve.
I like Ted. He is my senator, and I'm proud of the way he has stood by the Constitution. He is smart as a whip, unlike Odumbo who can't keep his lies straight. I think Cruz is by far the best shot we have at turning this country back to what it should be. He is for the Constitution, for freedom, and for America. How strikingly unusual for a pol!
Oh Lord, don't tell me it's Bad-choice Worse-Choice season again.
How about this for an incentive? ;-)
"If limited government is the goal, history tells us we should root for Democratic presidents and Republican Congresses. And regardless of party, Texans should be kept far away from the White House."---Veronique de Rugy from the November 2008 issue of Reason
I'm kinda hoping he's running deliberately as a decoy, at least partially. But then, I have thus theory that Senator Obama want all that serious about his run, either, until he became the Anybody But Hillary candidate...
Wonder if de Rugy would be so quick to make that assessment after seven years of Obama.
JimBob: I'm a default LP voter. If there's nobody running for office who I really want to see in the job, I vote for the Libertarian, who will be the least crooked candidate 99% of the time.
JohninMd.: None Of The Above. Let's do without for four years, Or give the Governor of each state a week at the job.
"Or give the Governor of each state a week at the job."
But that means they wouldn't be able to get anything done before it was time to ...
Clever. Very clever.
RobertaX: I admire your principles, but too often your (or my) "less Crooked" gives us the likes of Bill (or Hillary) Clinton or Hussein Obama. Sometimes we must settle for "better than". I learned my lesson with Ross Perot.......
If everyone who voted for the "least crooked" or just stayed home during the last couple of elections, we wouldn't be in the position we are now. Not saying we would be totally happy, but we would be better off. Sometimes we gotta compromise.
For those of you who are a bit older, don't you think of Mr. Haney on Green Acres every time you hear Cruz talk?
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