Tuesday, May 14, 2024

...Back To Doc-In-A-Box

     The official diagnosis for what's wrong with me is, "Some cold viruses just linger like that.  Treat the symptoms, get plenty of rest, and eat a balanced diet."

     Okay.  I've been doing the first, doing lots more of the second than I really should, and as for the third, I'd eat a darned gyroscope if I thought it would help.  For tonight, soup and a salad instead, I think.  Also, they suggested OTC allergy pills, which I will totally start up again as soon as I get home.

     Chest rattles, cough, sniffles, exhaustion, aches and the occasional temperature spike notwithstanding, I am pretty sure I was worse off last week, so if the trend continues, maybe next week will be better.

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