Friday, May 03, 2024

I Am So Sick

     I have no idea with what.  Probably not bird flu; the 2023-24 flu shut included protection again H1N1 family viruses, which it is.

     Tam has been coughing and achy for nearly a week, and had blamed it on kicking off the covers on a cold night and getting super-chilled.  I'm not so sure.  Based on my experience last night, that might have been an effect, not a cause.

     All day yesterday, I was kind of achy and coughing a little.  But it's allergy season and that's what happens, so I ignored it.  By the time I was home and in the thick of Trash Night -- policing the refrigerator and freezer for me, plus changing two litterboxes -- I was miserable.  Slogged my way through it, took acetaminophen and went to bed.

     Nodded off and woke a half hour later, freezing.  Teeth chattering.  I added a blanket and went back to sleep, tucking it under.  I was tortured by joint and muscle aches.  After an hour of that, I gave up and changed to heavy flannel nightgown and managed to fall asleep, waking every few minutes to try for a more comfortable position.  But hey, I was sleeping!  Kind of.

     Started to warm up, hooray!  Except it went past comfort to too hot.  I peeled back covers and sweated.  Took off the nightgown and pulled the sheet over.  Nope, too hot.  Finally fell asleep uncovered for a couple of hours.  I never ever sleep that way.  I can't.  I get too cold.  But there I was.

     Woke up chilled.  Added a blanket.  Nope.  Put the heavy nightgown back on, pulled the quilt over and fell asleep, waking every hour to try to find a better position where I ached less.

     All this time, I'm coughing, clearing my sinuses, and so on.  As you might guess, once again, I woke up too hot (not as bad as the previous time) and adjusted covers, ending up with none.  I managed about three hours sleep straight through before waking-up time.  I fed the cats and went back to bed.

     The only way though this is going through it.  I got every shot recommended for old folks and something slipped by.  I haven't had any majorly feverish episodes for some time and I am alternating aspirin with acetaminophen, but the sore throat, dripping sinus and aches continue.


Eck! said...

Ah you too.
I call it the creeping crud or uncommon cold. Had it a week
and tts mostly been drippy eyes, sinus drainage or congestion,
and I hurt all over. The drainage causes a cough. Calling it
remarkably unfun would be an understatement.

Best I can do is suffer and know how you feel, and its terrible.
Hang in there and feel better.


RandyGC said...

Nothing concrete to offer other than hope you get better soon