Not only am I still sick -- last night was miserable, though slightly less so than the night before -- I'm still getting comments from the Ignorant Peasant contingent.
Hey, I get it: you jerks are so full of yourselves that you cannot conceive that you might be wrong and hundreds of thousands of actual experts in various fields of study might be right; I understand that you believe your stinking, unwashed thumb is one standard inch wide and no icky centimeters need apply. But the reality is, you're wrong, you're annoying and you need to go away.
You had your chance and you blew it, not once but thousands of times over. You showed yourself to be prejudiced dupes. You turned your back on the Scientific Method and the Age of Reason. Go howl in the darkness, losers, and not at me. Your way brings nothing but terror, pestilence and early death.
(And for the aghast few, wondering "Is this me?" The answer is easy to find: do you think vaccines work? Do you think we had a real, actual global pandemic? Do you think our elections are generally honest? If so, it's not you.)
2 months ago
Whew! Thanks for clarifying that I am not one of them. I do, however, use the distal phalanx of my right thumb as a roughly 1" measure.
Its one thing to have a opinion of how to cure the common cold
but that require paying attention.
I suspect I have the same beast bug aka the uncommon cold and the
over the call was the usual admonition... Take two aspirin and
call me in 7 to 10 days.
And at day 7 I'm at least sleeping though the night. The post nasel
drip is causing a cough, that antihistamine helps by drying me up.
The locals had had no good ideas say for "its that damn cold" and
"ya it takes about week or so" to shake it. So the official banter
is stay warm, get plenty of rest and sleep , drink fluids, try to eat well, and [please] stay away from me.
In the end Science has identified the cause and are without a cure
as they are shooting at a moving target, the virus mutates.
Get well, grind through.
Eck: exactly!
Cop Car: the key part of the thumb-for-measure is knowing it to be only *roughly* 1" and not Holy Writ. Too many people read, "Man is the measure of all things" as implying their ignorance is just as good as genuine expertise.
So many areas of human endeavor and undertanding have been democratized, by which I mean that the common man has, with the Internet and other venues, been able to do and think themselves masterful in areas that used to be reserved for professionals who had studied hard and rigorously to learn them. Now everybody, their idiot uncle and crazed maiden aunt grabbed the wheel. Medicine, everyone thinks they are damn near a brain surgeon. Economics have always been difficult, but no longer.
It is as if everyone got Paint-By-The-Numbers kits and think themselves artists.
And then you're sick as a dog and everyone from Lunatic Central is in your face to help.
Get better.
Call it the Age of Neo-Lysenkoism, where one's political leanings dictate one's view of how facts are treated and what the science of the subject is.
And while the Dems have their radical kook zealots with too much influence, it's not as widespread or powerful as the QAnon Tinfoil Brigade is within the Repbus.
Which is ironic, considering that the ones pushing the idea of Mass Formation Hysteria & Mind Viruses appear to be the victims of both.
I failed to make it clear that my approximate 1" measure is along the long axis of the thumb - not across the width. I'm not tiny, but that "1-inch-wide thumb" belongs to a larger person than me.
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