In response to my post yesterday, pointing out that everyone involved in the current round campus protests and responses are more-or-less hapless boobs, coping as best as they can figure out, I got a couple of comments -- comments singling out one group or another as particularly pitiable or despicable.
That wasn't my point. It's not even close. It's just about the opposite. And I'm not going to debate it.
Nobody involved is, in actual fact, in Israel or nearby, kicking in doors, taking hostages, breaking heads,* bombing people, animals or buildings, killing or being killed, maiming or being maimed. The protesters think there should be less damage and killing (and are trying to ensure the institutions they are attending, working for or bothering are not enabling it) and, surprise, so do many of the university administrators and police, only not quite as strongly. Their clash is over means, not ends. Or maybe it's over whether you should watch the fire burn or try to put it out, however futile your efforts.
Many of the people directly involved in the actual conflict think they can kill, maim, kidnap and bomb their way to a better tomorrow -- a plan that has piled up millennia of not working especially well in that part of the world, though who am I to tell 'em?
I've got about as much right to do so as any random college student in this country. Or as you. They're probably not going to listen.
* With the possible exception of yet another group (not students, college staff or police) in California, where it appears thugs attacked protestors at UCLA with blunt-force weapons. Reports have not named any group taking responsibility, but does it matter? Initiating force against people who have not done so to you is immoral and unacceptable. Wave your own damn signs all you like, but you don't get to hit the other sign-wavers over the head with clubs.
2 months ago
1 comment:
But there is hope that words lead to actions and that is not an empty hope. The relationships between Israel, Egypt, and Jordan have evolved from open warfare to neighbors that get along even if they don't see eye to eye on everything. This took 60 years and still requires careful tending to keep from going to hell.
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