After forcing me to prepare and consume a hasty meal of bacon and eggs fried in holes punched in slices of rye bread,* they have not fed me since. I escaped twice, once on bicycle to purchase plants and the second time on a motorized scooter of some sort; found my way to a food emporium and stocked up. I was made to return and put to work grooming some sort of shaggy, green growth while one of the guards mocked my efforts, after which I raked up crunchy brown growths of some sort and bagged them for disposal. My injured knee aches and I have crept to a place of safety to make these notes....
*Try it, you'll like it!
Update: So, early this (next) morning, I hear, "Awwwww, roomie, I wasn't mocking you..." Followed, of course, by mutual snickering. Hullo? International Red Cross? Sheeeeeeesh.
2 months ago
Hey, I happen to like hobo toast. Haven't made any in quite a while, and never with rye. I like mine fried in bacon grease.
Do you make the hole by folding your bread over and biting out a chunk in the middle?
I use a water glass, most often; I learned how to make this treat from the SF of Ted Sturgeon. That way, you have the cut-out circle to fry in the grease, too.
I thought that was toad in the hole or somesuch. Which I always thought silly since there wasn't any toad involved. OTOH, I don't particularly care for toad anyway.
I've heard a lot of silly names for that dish, the most sensible being "eggs in a basket" and the most nonsensical being "boogedy-boogedy".
Be wary of the guards there. I've heard their heavily armed!
The late lamented Blackwood's Cafe in Nora called them "knot-hole eggs."
We always called them "square eggs" when I was growing up.
Blackwoods Cafe, "late, lamented?" Blackwoodeao delenda est? Rats. Before I broke my knee, I used to ride my bike up there for breakfast, weekend mornings. Before my ex became ex, we'd do so together. It was grand fun. Sic transit gloria mundi.
Sturgeon called 'em "gas-house eggs." Haven't the least notion why.
My mom always called those "guy kibbies"
Not sure why she called 'em that, nor am I sure about the spelling 'cause I've only ever heard it pronounced.
Toad in the Hole you say?
Now I'm hungry for some authentic British bangers.
There was a character actor in the 30's and 40's named Guy Kibbie.
I haven't made that in a long time, so I did tonight. No bacon on hand, so I used olive oil.
Then I dumped a mess of salsa on it.
Poor little lamb!
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