So, I'm sittin' on the couch Monday morning, givin' my Big Black Milwaukee Boots an aerosol zotz of footstuff* -- unusual for me, as I prefer powder but couldn't find any, latest trip to the market -- and Tam's cats were reacting as if I'd opened a bottle of skunk juice, ears back, lookin' around.
"Wow, the cats really hate the scent of this but I can't smell anything," sez I.
Tam: "No, they hate all aerosols, even the air-freshener. Even cooking spray."
Me: "Oh! They think it's swearing at them!"
Tam: "Cusswords In A Can!™"
Remember, you saw it here first.
*Yes, it is true: I have an almost pathological aversion to foot-fungus, having had a nasty bout of it as a tennie-wearing teen and having seen my Dad fight the stuff every day of his working life. What, you haven't any quirks?
2 months ago
Bleach and Gold Bond, m'lady. Bleach and gold bond.
In The Day, my Dad swore by Neosporin -- which I believe did not work. At all. He changed tactics about the time he took early retirement.
I've not been bothered by the stuff in a very long time; perhaps I'm merely planting garlic to keep the wolverines away (have you seen any? See, it works!) but I'd as soon not find out the hard way.
Cats hate anything that hisses.
Indeed, Roberta. When the outbreak occurs, Neosporin is.. weorse then useless.
Tinactin is OK. Lotrimin is better.
It pains me to say this, but the best product is....
How you apply it is your own business.
Ew. Ew Ew Ew.
But yeah, it would be.
Neosporin or any antibacterial is bad, bad, bad.
Neosporin has antibiotics in it. Antibiotics kill "good" bacteria that thwarts the growth of fungi on your skin. So using Neosporin would encourage fungi growth.
I have encountered this first hand.
Did i mention bad?
Almost like being a fly on the wall at the ol' Roseholme! I'm almost to the point of thinking you two are goofy. :)
OG, do you mix the bleach and the gold bond into a paste or what, make an old-fashioned plaster out of it?
Damn, those are some sexy boots!
Bleach the feet. Gold bond the boots. And bold the feet too.
"Bold the feet that bestride the land?"
Lost fragment of a Neandertal heroic poem?
Bond. Sorry. I can spell, I just can't type worth a fiddler's damn.
Search Neanderpundit for "gold bond" for a couple stories you might enjoy.
Cuss Words In A Can.
Y'all make that stuff in Human? I could use that around the office...
Goofy in a good way...
Goofy in a good way of course...
I would BUY cusswords in a can if I could. I'd proudly display it next to my pull-my-finger pen.
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