At least, that's what they say. Experts interviewed by LiveScience claim eating less will help you live longer (true) and, somewhat green-righteously, point out that a vegetarian diet is "more energy-efficient."
WTH? Supply-side nutrition? --Managing an all-veggie diet without damaging your health is a tricky business for adults and even more so for growing children. Protein deficiency, anyone? Got calcium?
The human race remained barely more than animals until we started eatin' meat on a regular basis. Even at that, it took the wide use of caffeinated beverages t'give us the Industrial Revolution.
...And there's the rub. Whenever somebody's pushing veganism, there's a mud-hut agenda behind it, opposed to all the benefits of modern life -- or at least opposed to them for unenlightened non-elites like thee and me.
I eat salad for dinner nearly every night and meat and/or cheese is often not included. Most people don't eat near enough fruit and vegetables. But let's not leap right off the deep end, world-savers.
Things only have value if there's people there to value 'em. --It won't do any good to Save The Earth by not eating moo-cows an' cute little piggies if it leaves you lacking energy, dumber and suffering osteoporosis. You can have my bacon when you take it from my cold dead hands!
2 months ago
Meat made us human, beer made civiliazation, coffee made capitalism and freedom.
meat+beer+coffee+ ???
What is next?
Meat is murder, and murder is some damned fine eating.
I eat salad every night; it has vitamins and roughage needed to go with the critter that is eaten at the time. There's a reason why vegetables are considered a side course; it's because they go on the plate alongside the meat.
The ironic thing is that only industrialized meat is less energy-efficient; cattle didn't evolve to eat corn. Traditional pasture farming converts something we can't eat- grass- into something that gives us a big energy and nutrient punch. Extremely efficient, that.
But that still involves eating the helpless aminals, about which these folks generally know jack, so instead you get the veganism line.
I'll keep on eating meat thank you.
If it tastes good I'll eat it.
I'll stop eating meat when my eyes move to the side of my head.
All The Best,
Frank W. James
"meat+beer+coffee+ ???"
I got a bacon chocolate bar today...
Watching "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" the other night, they showed a bartender pouring hot bacon grease into a carafe of bourbon. They then let it cool down for about 10 hours; the bacon grease rose to the top and coagulated; they scooped it out and now had bacon infused bourbon. According to the host, Guy Fieri, it was a pretty damned good drink.
Scientists have known for years that when people die, they stop eating. The only question is, did they die because they stopped eating? Or did they stop eating because they died?
It is, dear Turk, one of the Great Big Mysteries. Sort of.
On the TV News last night they said that men who eat Soy products have diminished reproductive capacity, fewer swimmers - and I was shocked to hear them repeat a faintly anti-Green sentiment. But they did.
So good all you hippie dudes, eat lots and lots of Teh Soyz!
Did somebody say vegans? Don't get me started about vegans. They're the Waffen SS Sturmbrigade of the vegetarian "movement."
People who eat vegan diets are complicit in the killings of billions of wild animals every year. Farmers kill them in order to protect crops of fruits, vegetables and grain. They're killed with poisons, guns, electrocution, etc. but most of the animals are killed by bulldozers when farmers clear fields and forests for agriculture. Habitat destruction.
So I'm proud to be a carnivore: at least I eat what I kill. Vegans just plow their kill under.
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