Hey! Buddy! Buddy? Wanna see hot new pix of NASA Moon-Landing sites?
Kewl! I cannot think of a better use for my tax money, other than giving it all back to me. Or not taking it in the first place.
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Think this'll get Bart Sibrel to shut up? Or maybe Buzz needs to slug the cockmonkey again.
Ha! I have it on good authority Bart Sidrel does not really exist. Look at the FACTS:
- The People's Republic of Chana has had a five-to-one superiority over the United States in hokey, self-inflated "debunkers" who who are inherently clueless. How likely is it we would have one who would choose an object like the moon landings, which were witnessed on live TV by billions of people? Not very!
- The supposed "Bart" is a tall, pudgy man. Such men are very rare and the only one in media is Stephen Fry. Mr. Sidrel is not Stephen Fry, therefore he has no real existence.
- In the "punched out by Buzz" clip, it is obvious he takes are hard hit to the jaw -- yet charges against Aldrin were dropped because, among other things, "Sidrel" was not hurt. How is this possible? It is only if he is not real, but an animatronic or holographic figure, probably operated by Chinese faux-debunking experts!
It's all very clear, if one only takes the time to examine the evidence he himself has provided.
I cannot think of a better use for my tax money, other than giving it all back to me. Or not taking it in the first place.
*grin* <3
WV: "trapoozz" Uh... That sounds like a very, very dirty show, of the sort even Tijuana might frown upon.
I wonder, if and when we get back there, if we'll have the sense to leave the original lunar lander sites alone on account of their historical value.
But then it might be cool to put a new set of batteries in one of the rovers and see if it'll still go...
I read somewhere that it's going to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
That and 50 cents gets you a copy of the local fishwrap.
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