The range at Eagle Creek Park is (supposedly) open from 0900 to 1300 today. Might be a good idea to show up and make use of our city's nice public range. It's a good thing to keep it busy on the few hours it is open. It's a good thing to remind the Parks Department that the range is a welcome amenity. --They appear to have gotten a little better, as the official page now admits there is a pistol range, lists the number for the range and includes a link to unofficial web page for it; at one time you would search's park pages in vain for the info.
IMPD's habit of grabbing the range on weekends with little to no notice, despite having exclusive use of it the entire rest of every week, remains a problem. This weekend, if they do as they've promised the hard-working volunteer ROs, at least the incursion into public hours was scheduled well in advance and they're only taking a three-hour bite out of our time. (Am I too nice? Look, an inexperienced person with a gun is dangrous and does not get less so if you give them a shiny badge and a dark-blue tunic. The more range time IMPD's officers get, the better off we all are -- but you'd think they'd want us non-LEO types to be more aware of which end the bullets come out of, too).
So head on out. Rumor has it you might find a certain famous blonde stitching tiny, tiny groups in her targets there!
2 months ago
I ran through almost every reload and every box I had on hand yesterday. It was worth it. Too many weeks away from the range.
Maybe next Sunday??
One would think a compromise of sorts could be worked out so that a weekend time slot would always be available for the non-LEO types.
Very sorry I can't be there this weekend. Shoot a few for me.
Lorimor: yes, you would, wouldn't you? Go ask IMPD that. Supposedly, 1000 to 1600 on Saturday and Sunday is reserved for the public; and supposedly, IMPD occasionally takes this for special events, rarely and with plenty of notice.
In pracice, that's not how it works. IMPD will just up and take "their" range (the one that got funded with the caveat it would have public hours) without even enough notice for the ROs to get the news on the website or answering machine. Some years they do it more often than others. Used to lock us out and you'd go out there and...crickets. At least last time they were actually using it.
Wish we had a public range. The Seattle PAL range is supposedly open to "associate members", but that doesn't make it public, does it? We had public ranges in Detroit--well, out in the 'burbs--and there was even one "down in Monterey" when I was stationed there. The public range in (outside of) Colorado Springs was a gravel pit, and about as well maintained...
There are quite a few clubs in the Seattle area, but development has encroached on most of them, and many are under attack. I have gotten into rather heated discussions (not quite flame wars) with proponents of open-carry*, suppressors*, and/or full auto* by suggesting that it would be better to push for range-protection legislation before pushing their pet issues.
*Open carry is legal here, but controversial.
*You can own a "can" but you are not allowed to use it, don't ask me why.
*And no full auto.
"Famous Blonde"? Aw, Roberta, you are so modest!! :)
Yes, but I'm not that blonde!
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