Do not put uneaten, in-the-pod edamame* down the garbage disposal. Do not put 'em down there. It doesn't work out well.
The good news: garbage disposal unit is not jammed.
The bad news: the kitchen drain is Stopped Up. Or at least as good as; the standing water did trickle away overnight but it ain't fast. Can't use the sink or the dishwasher until it's cleared away.
The Other News: I've gotta go for my annual eye exam this morning. I have no idea where the old-fashioned drain snake has crawled off to -- haven't seen it since before I moved -- and I am of the firm opinion that, as a general rule, amateur drain-snaking is to be avoided.
I've got three choices for plumbers; I'll try Broad Ripple (SoBro) based Hope Plumbing first.
* When did plain old soybeans decide to put on an accent and pretend to speak Foreignese, exactly? I'm not ashamed to admit I eat soybeans; they're tasty! If it makes you feel better to eat 'em in bifurcated socks and those crazy sandals, okay, but they were eaten in the U.S. before there even was a U.S., and while they caught on slowly, WW II kicked soybean production into high gear and they (or oil and flour from them) have snuck into many of the foods you eat. Green, steamed in the pod and served with chili oil, cilantro and salt, they'll make you sneer at most snack foods, whatever you call them. Indiana is the third or fourth largest producer of sobeans in the United States and these days, it's us who export them back to where they came from -- what we don't eat here, that is. Or get stuck down the drain.
2 months ago
No removable cleanout plug at bottom of gooseneck?
Pretty sure it is way farther along.
We discovered the hard way several years ago that it is not appropriate to dump massive amounts of post-Seder food waste down the garbage disposal. Basically it just turns food into a slurry that coats and blocks the pipes.
When I was growing up in this house, we had a rule that the water had to run for a full minute after grinding garbage...but I can't get my wife to understand why that's still important. My mother saying she doesn't remember that (despite the fact that we had a Dymo tape label above the sink for years that said "RUN WATER ONE MINUTE AFTER GRINDING") doesn't help bolster my we get to enrich the local ARS affiliate once every few years after a big dinner party. I'm crossing my fingers that we won't have to do that again in a couple of weeks...
Hmm... How about #30 for a tool?
Sort of a fun site, except it always goes just a bit over the top pricewise.
Plugging any other drains on that line and applying a wet/dry vac to the offending drain has worked for me. The suction unwedges the obstruction.
Oh yeah, clean out all the dirt and sawdust and drywall bits from your shop vac before you suck a load of dirty water into it. Don't ask me how I know this.
With all the water-saving restrictions on the water faucets and shower heads and toilets it's hard to remember that water is good for the drain.
It was a tradition in our house that the drain would slow to a crawl on Thanksgiving and Christmas, until I climbed on the roof to force a garden hose down the vent, followed by a stint under the house chasing the crud down the sewer.
I'd vacuum it, but life is too short to clean sewer slime out of my little shopvac.
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