Facing my usual, "It's seven o'clock, say something interesting" deadline, and for once, I've got a topic: the NRA Convention. They've stuck a sign up on Lucas Oil Stadium* every bit of three stories tall and not even the Local Noooz Media can ignore it -- though the one I usually watch in the morning did follow with a story about how Indianapolis has been invited to submit a hosting packing for 2016 Democrat convention. One local Partei light observed this "...would finally put Indianapolis on the map," presumably in the way that the NRA convention or, say, a century (give or take a couple World Wars) of automobile racing has somehow failed to.
At least I will (probably) be able to attend the NRA event; at one point it was looking unlikely and I may still spend a fair amount of time hiding in the press room; but I am a-going there, braving the crowds, and we'll see what happens.
* Precisely what function an "Oil Stadium" serves I do not know and find myself reluctant to ask. One presumes it to have, ahem, "Wessonality."
2 months ago
Ma'am, I was looking for the footnote* and failed to find one.
*Or am I missing something, and should know that Lucas Oil should mean something? I'm dumb that way.
I very much hope to meet you there.
I'm planning on coming.
It would be a pleasure to meet. Perhaps just to get an author's autograph on the I Work On A Starship book...
I'm glad you get to go. I was really looking forward to it myself, as much to meet you and Tam and the rest of they Indy gun bloggers as for the meeting itself, but... Maybe next year.
According to Wikipedia (I know), Lucas Oil is not related to Lucas Industries (aka the Prince of Darkness), whose founder got his start selling paraffin-based oil. Of course, I'd say the same thing. Our gracious hostess probably knows all about LI's bicycle lighting products.
Every NRA Member needs to attend the annual convention/meetings at least once in his/her life. It's not to be forgotten!
Some friends & I attended the one in Pittsburgh in 2004, and I'll cherish the memories forever. Circumstances prevent it this year, even though it's closer for me.
Have fun!!
I hope to see you there. I'll be there Friday and Saturday, after Graysons class.
@Jim Dunmyer, I still haven't forgiven the Army for sending me to Korea when the AM was in Seattle, and have a major divisional exercise to make me change my mid-tour leave plans.
Have you seen the article on Slate today? Would love to chat about this...email me when you get a chance. Thanks.
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