I'm telling you, if zombies have headaches like the kind I've been getting, I totally understand the lurching walk and implacableness. And if I thought eating brains would help, some of you would be at considerable risk. --Oh, Senator, not you. Of course not.
It's just the usual migraine plus allergies, I think. They multiply rather than add.
2 months ago
I'm thinking that feeding the critters a politician's brain as a protein source would be the best possible function for which it had ever been used. Gods know, the vast majority of them have never been used for actual rational thought.
Of course, kuru might have already taken its toll on a number of our national politicians. That would explain a LOT.
Sometimes, you need a sinus like you need a hole in the head.
When I have a bad migraine, I would eat my own brain if I thought it would make it go away. I feel for you, and hope it goes away quickly. Get well, and have a great weekend, with all of us thankful for the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for us.
Time for a nice Head-cheese sammich, on toast w/mustard. It ain't really brains, but close enough....
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