You know, there probably wasn't a "Children's Crusade" as the term is commonly understood; even the best accounts aren't very clear or especially trustworthy. One of the connections scholars have made that seems to hold up is to the use of teenagers as soldiers in that time; not exactly "children" by the standards of the day, the bulk of armies were made up of young men in exactly the age range at most risk of committing or suffering violence in the modern world.
This past weekend's "Children's Crusade" also uses teenagers for foot soldiers. They are, after all, excellent cannon fodder: idealistic, inexperienced, and full of the belief that they can Fix Everything. But who are the generals? Follow the money, and it circles back around to Michael Bloomberg's "Everytown "organization, relying on subsidiary "Mothers Demand Action" and the Gifford anti-gun organization for organizational help and logistics. Yes, Mr. Bloomberg and his big, well-funded anti-gunners are hiding behind children in the manner of Saddam Hussein.
Ah, but the media tells us kids are being shot at school in ever-greater numbers, and we must do something? No, kids are not. School shootings are on the decline.
But the U.S. is a horribly violent places, isn't it, third worst in the world, and we have got to address that? No, we're not.
And the big, bad NRA is buying Congressman, aren't they? The New York Times tried pushing that, and came up with small change as political money goes -- and they had to use career-total funding plus non-coordinated advertising to do so. NRA is nowhere near the top-spending lobbying groups.
On the other hand, donations to the political activism division of NRA are up. So all the marching and rallying has done some good, after all.
Interestingly, all the links above are to Left-leaning or neutral groups and organizations.
2 months ago
Propaganda... The big lie and then the supporting lies maybe not so big and indoctrination. They are trying to make the meme "guns are bad" universal along with people of the gun are also to be reviled. They are teaching the children to fear guns. It has little to do with facts. If anything we want facts as clutter or more correctly their propaganda. We have metal detectors and guards in schools because guns. Keep it going long enough and toss in a few crisis actors to reinforce the idea of guns bad. A few years and its like many of the that's bad things we grew up with.
Its rather insidious that there are people that want that. What's worrisome is
why they need that.
Oh, the "Children's Crusade" didn't some of them end up being sold into slavery?
Eck! Like the end of this one in 1212 the kid's will be sold off for the people behind its goals.
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