Monday, July 06, 2009

Seen On The Intarwebz

Sometimes I feel old. Saw this picture of an item offered on an auction site, description: "Shiny old telephone, but the part you talk into is missing..."Um, no. No. Really, no.


OrangeNeckInNY said...

Duh, the part you listen to is missing.

Anonymous said...

Some people... gee whiz. I'll bet the seller wouldn't know how to make a call on it even if it did have the part you talk into! :P


Drang said...

Well, face it, Central is in Bangalore these days...

Roberta X said...

Ah, D.W., it just makes the operator's, "Numbah, pleeeeze!" all the more musical -- and besides, with a phone like that, you'd only need Central to make long-distance calls. If that. :)

Joanna said...

I just had a mental picture of a frustrated, 20-something hipster pushing harder and harder at the numbers beneath the dial, wondering why the buttons felt so stubborn -- and what's that wheel there for, anyway?

BobG said...

"and what's that wheel there for, anyway?"

It's a guide to help you aim at and hit the buttons correctly...

Anonymous said...

Golly Gosh! I've got an original Marconi spark-gap transmitter (with functional de-coherer, no less)that could be converted to voice with that device as a microphone. If I could only find a DeForest Audion valve. -sigh-