Lupine, a ten-mile-long city in flight Blish never dreamed of, was coasting in zero-g. This is no fun but we'd bounced in a little off-kilter and Navs had so decreed. If you're not susceptible to falling dreams, it's not so bad for sleeping; tuck in the covers and drift off like Little Nemo! I woke up about three-quarters when the alarm sounded and my cabin lights blinked on and then off again. From the phone panel set in the wall next to my bunk: "Final warning! Acceleration in thirty seconds! Take hold!"
It sounded like Navs finally had us lined up for our first inbound course correction.. About time; I was already tired of squeeze-bulb instant coffee. I hoped it was going to be a long burn.
Long it was, but not uneventful....
[Story continues at I Work On A Starship]
3 months ago
I have tomorrow off. I reckon I will make coffee, and sit on the couch with the furry terrorists and read the whole series from the start.
Do you have any plans to turn this into be a dead-tree book someday?
E.B.: I had not given it much thought. I suppose one of the on-demand services might do it, if I ever got the whole thing proofread.
Yes, book please, Gorgeous.
Would this this style constitute a new sub-genre? Ultra-techno-geeky sci-fi thriller?
What ever happened to the guns? I seem to remember guns. "In space, no one can hear you ND?"
WV: squirsa - sounds like a drive problem. Again.
Guns: we haven't yet gone to the range; the Security guys had guns when they nabbed Vill. And not many crewfolks carry; it's sintered bullets only if you do.
Just like here, there's plenty of shooting but most of it is for fun. Unlike here, Crime Does Not Pay: it's too hard for the usual petty thief to make a clean getaway. But I promise, there will be guns.
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