Well, a little time, but only 'cos I am waiting my turn at the shower.
I'm covered up with year-enders at work, so much so I have not even shopped for Something Suitable to wear for New Year's (goin' to the speakeasy steakhouse, yayy!). I only have to dress like a grown-up one or two times a year, which I consider an advantage of my job. It usually is -- not so much when you want to go someplace where jeans, a hoodie over a knit top and workboots are not considered appropriate. (On the other hand, ooooooo, the food at Morton's! The company's pretty nice, too).
I've been working on a holiday "Starship" yarn, this one set during the short period of open warfare between USSF/NATO allies and the Edgers; I have a neat photo-essay for "Retrotechnologist" planned...but there's a list of awkward, difficult and/or boring tasks to get done at the Skunk Works before the holiday break, none of them so routine that I can do them and noodle plot points or pity comments at the same time.
The good news is, I'll have a week off and hope to make some actual progress. But today, not so much.
3 months ago
Remind me to tell you my Morton's story at the blogmeet. My family refers to it as "The Night of the Lobster."
I wonder if your Morton's story is anything like mine, Joanna. It also involved a lobster.
Glad you are having fun. Hopefully I'll be back in time for something this weekend with us all.
You guys up for the train show Sat/Sun?
I thought you 2 showered together?
AnonL: In your dreams, boyo.
Old Grouch: Train show? Sure!
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