Felt kinda crummy yesterday; went into work with a dry cough, a ticklish throat and a metallic taste in my mouth. It slowly got worse all day, accompanied by exhaustion, muscle aches and chills
Came home and headed for my bed almost immediately. I was dizzy, the chills were worse and I was tired.
Had the worst and oddest sleep I've ever had: shivering under an electric blanket set to max, waking up every few hours to totter down to the loo, and talking in my sleep; I'd wake up saying "Boom!" or "Have you checked the hoist?" and other near-random words and phrases, over and over.
My ex told me years ago that I mutter in my sleep (in addition to tooth-grinding -- it's a wonder he got much sleep, to hear him describe it) but this was clear speech. Unnerving.
This morning, same cough, metallic taste at the back of my throat, tiredness (after eleven hours horizontal!) and loud ringing in my ears. I'm darned if I know what this ailment is but you do not want it!
3 months ago
Roberta- Go see a doctor RIGHT NOW.
I am not one of those Swine Flu alarmists, but it sounds like you have something viral and if it IS the dreaded H1N1, you would be better served getting it checked.
Must've caught it from my blog. I've had that for a week now, including the annoying insomnia / loo trips / weird sleep thingy.
Today was the "cough up dark green chunks" stage. Hopefully that's an indication of it going away.
Hope you feel better.
Carefully raise your BAC high enough to clear out those nasty bugs in your bloodstream.
Thre are establishments on BroadRipple which specialize in helping your properly adjust your BAC.
Dr. B prescribes it....
For goodness sake, get some medical / dental input on the teeth grinding, esp. the causes.
My late wife did it for years and it's not just a behaviour quirk.
have you been soldering a lot lately, or around high temp stuff? Sounds exactly like metal fume fever or "welders fever" which I've had more often than I care to recall. Not pleseant, but drink a couple gallons of milk and you'll feel better.
No joke, milk? Now I'm all curious how it works.
Roberta: I'm with Newbius on this - Go see a doctor NOW.
Mr. B: What's BAC? (Blood Alcohol Concentration?)
BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration)
WV: Broozer
[morbid humor]Dibs on your guns![/morbid humor]
Get well soon!
I'm not dead yet!
First medication I'm tryin' is The Tincture Of Time, which heals many things. If I still feel as bad this evening, off to Doc inna Box.
Metal-vapor poisoning, unlikely. I have been around a lot of synth grease and oil recently but have been careful not to eat or drink any. Solder fumes are always a possibility but of late, I have mostly been swingin' a big wrench. ("Big" is subject to debate -- I been teasing Handsome Dave about his bench in the squirt-booster bay from which we are working on a five-meter comms dish stopping at 1/2" drive, while my set-up at the 'Drive compartment has a nice 3/4" drive set, too. He trumped my ace by showing up with his own personal set of .750-drive sockets).
John, in re tooth-grinding, no thanks. The last time I tried to get it treated, I lost two teeth, one of which almost punched through into my sinus cavity. A decade of pain and trouble ensured. I'll just grind.
Captian Tripps?
Hope you're feeling better.
Aw, darn it, I died about fifteen minutes ago. "It's funny, funny, funny to think without a brain. Talking is even harder, but it can be done."
I had an uncle who had that, right before he died.
I can't catch it over teh interube can I???
I'm not sure, James. Tam reported at breakfast she'd been awake off and on all last night, but refuses to even entertain the notion she's got robertaitis. If she doesn't it's only a matter of time until the dread plague strikes.
Forsooth, I feel much better this morning. Not a hundred percent but enough to risk The Skunk Works.
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