Monday, December 07, 2009

Winter Comes To Roseholme Cottage

It snowed. Tam got the first snow photo posted; then again, she still treats the stuff as a delightful novelty. One of us doesn't commute. Guess who!

(Those aren't chimeneii, they're open-air atomic reactors. As far as you know. Actually, they are planters-to-be, or so I am told).


Tam said...

By the time I hatched my "No, don't throw them out! We can plant ivy in them!" plan, playing in the dirt season was pretty much over for me.

Come springtime...

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Cold fusion, I assume.

Roberta X said...

Tam: Yep. But they didn't know that.

Roberta X said...

Nathan, it is now!