Soooo... Talking to the Web Editrix of a local old-media operation at lunch today and she remarked they'd been getting a lot of e-mail about the Hanukkah-themed banner the site ran for today -- what with sunset marking the start of the final day of the holiday, it seemed quite apt but lo and behold, no few folks wrote to point out the demographic makeup of the community (at least as they imagine it; one assumes they've never so much as noticed Shapiro's deli, let alone the many synagogues on the far North side) and inquire after a Christmas-themed banner. She found it mostly amusing; the big, loud secular holiday (you know, the one with a jolly fat man named after a bishop and big evergreen trees and decorations and reindeer) has been a recurring theme and a suitably creche-themed religious-type banner's in the wings for the days leading up to the 25th; so unclench, your turn is next.
...And you people claim agnostic types are nutty?
3 months ago
I saw a cartoon: Two armies are running towards each-other. One is arguing that 2+2=3. The other is arguing that 2+2=5. Caption: "Arguing about religion, its pretty much like that."
Instead of making cookies and watching the kids...they are submitting missives to the rag?
One would think they might have been worshiping at a time and place, and in amanner of, their own choosing, but noooo: way better to criticize what the other guy is up to along those lines and even more so, anybody who might say "attaboy" to him if he's Not Like You.
...But they put up such darned beautiful windows....
Seems to be a matter of The Other Guy's religion getting free advertising than anything else.
It must really bug them when Hanukkah and Christmas overlap!
wv: blessal (something the complainers have a problem with)
Double Holiday! Made of Win! :)
What kinda killjoy hates that? Sigh. I dunno, sometimes folks act as if joy was a zero-sum game: "No fairrrr! Other peoples is having fun and that means I won't get as much, waaaah." Except It Don't Work Like That.
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