Harlan Ellison's selling his first typewriter. The man needs the money. (Consider that). --A Remington Noiseless, nice machine but they do require a heavy hand; I'd sell it, too.
He has an interesting speech pattern in the interview. Either that, or interestingly transcribed. From what I've heard and seen of the man, perhaps a little of both. I was surprised to realize he's 76. Where does the time go?
Oh, the asking price? $40K!
(Link shamelessly stolen from Turk Turon)
2 months ago
The piss-poor editing of a column under the aegis of the Wall Street Journal is absolutely appalling.
The devolution of America continues apace...
(WV: "seducter". The title of an Ellison short story: "Electric Seducter"...)
Does it come with a free grope if the buyer lacks a Y chromosome?
Free Grope??? I've met Harlan (at the old Dangerous Visions book store) and he was a perfect gentleman. He even got the editor of one of his collections to sign my copy.
perlhaqr, where did you hear that Harlan was a hound?
I've met Harlan several times and he was entertaining and excellent company every time. If I had the money, I would buy the typewriter, tho my wife would kill me afterward...
Noiseless? It doesn't tick-tick?
that's a shame. :(
Dad used to say that with a pen, he wrote a word at a time. With a typewriter, he wrote a sentence at a time. With a word processor, he wrote a paragraph at a time.
Then again, he's a lot smarter than I.
76? Dang! I betcha he's still short and obnoxious, though.
Rick T: Everywhere on the internet, circa just after the 2006 Hugo Awards at Worldcon, where it happened.
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