OMG! There's a hurrycane a-gonna hit the East Coast! Better issue a bATFe warning to FFLs! Lo and behold, the actual flyer (PDF) is a collection of handy links to applicable Fed agencies and useful, if somewhat generic, advice. I've got to give them points for good-faith effort.
--Even if they did forget to mention, "Be sure to order plenty of extra ammo and store it in a stormproof location." Y'know, a good supply of guns & ammo can make a darned big difference after the storm passes.
2 months ago
And DO NOT carry concealed in the eastern part of No. Carolina:
NC General Statute 14-288.7:
Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful for any person to transport or possess off his own premises any dangerous weapon or substance in any area:
(1) In which a declared state of emergency exists; or
(2) Within the immediate vicinity of which a riot is occurring...
As Gov. Perdue* has declared a state of emergency in much of eastern NC as Irene approaches, I suppose several hundred - perhaps thousands - of Tarheels became unwitting criminals at the stroke of a pen. Bah.
(H/T Confederate Yankee)
(*) No relation to the chicken except when it comes to IQ.
docjim beat me to it. Fortunately I live west of the I-95 corridor.
One of many things we are working on here in the Tarheel State.
Yeah, that particular part of our byzantine firearms laws is a lot of fun to deal with.
I just have to wonder if some FFL, finally tired of the thing, might not just let it all go into the storm. The loss of the guns would be bad, but oh, the loss of all those 4473s....
Can't you see the face of the ATFer when the get the "I've went out of business" paperwork and that sodden unusable mass of yellow and while paper?
I thought you NCers had got that fixed. Aw, well, one step at a time.
We are working on it!
I didn't realize there were so many (other) NC'ers out there. (waves)
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