Along Georgetown Road at 12:45 this morning, a passing motorist realized a house was on fire and rather than taking a picture and posting it to F@ceTwitGram or even calling 911 while driving on, he stopped, got out, and hammered on the door until the occupants were awake and exiting the house.
Mission accomplished, he got in his car and left. Who was that helpful stranger? Nobody knows. But the family whose lives he saved admit they didn't have working smoke detectors; had he not stopped, they would probably all be dead now.
"If you see something, say something," works way better for Samaritans than snitches.
2 months ago
That it does, and kudos to that gent!!!
Who the hell doesn't keep at least one working smoke detector in their house? Are these the same people who don't turn on their headlights in the rain "because I can see just fine"?
"If you see something, say something," works way better for Samaritans than snitches."
Roberta wins the Innernets!
Joanna: I believe they're called "idiots."
Police have urged the public to provide them with information that will led to the capture and prosecution of this dangerous man, who has threatened the livelihoods, pensions, and golf outings of the Firefighters, Ambulance Drivers Union, and County Morgue Attendants Division of the SEIU.
Subject should be considered Individualist, Self-Sufficient, and High Dangerous. Possibly a Tea-Bagger Terrorist White Male.
"Subject should be considered Individualist, Self-Sufficient, and High Dangerous. Possibly a Tea-Bagger Terrorist White Male."
It would be the most sublime and perfect irony were he to turn out to be a Muslime male, 18-45. ;)
I'm voting for borderline DUI: inebriated enough to go beat on the door of a stranger-in-danger in the middle of the night; still sober enough to not want to talk to police/fire personnel.
Kudos to the guy that happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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