Spent too much time looking up The History Of Cheese (it may be older than wine -- the ancient Greeks thought so) and reading how the President blames Indiana's "lax gun laws" (like the Federal one that makes direct cross-border handgun sales illegal?) for Chicago's crime problem. And he wants us to fix it by making illegal stuff even illegaler! Um, sir? Sir? How come Indianapolis, despite our recent surge of violence, is still less crime-ridden than Chicago?
Here, sit down, Mr. President. Relax. Have some nice cheese. Ya nitwit.
Time to go soak in Epsom Salts. Dissolved in hot water. That's for me, not the President. I'm sure the Secret Service will draw him one if he wants.
2 months ago
"Time to go soak in Epsom Salts. Dissolved in hot water."
I'm no spring chicken (I'm within a few years of you)but what exactly does magnesium sulfate supposed to other than upping the water's specific gravity to make you more buoyant like the water in the Great Salt Lake in Utah ?
Make that "supposed to do other than..."
Supposedly helps with muscle aches. Also, it says on the label, hemorrhoids, which might be useful if we could soak the present crop of Presidential candidates in it. Most would shrink away to nothing -- maybe even all of them.
There's also some evidence it can help with skin irritations and such. (I get terrible allergic hives - molds - and sometimes an epsom salt bath shuts the itching up enough that I can actually sleep)
Ah! Ok, thank you both...
Thankfully, only once had that particular, er, *inflammation*...
I've been repeatedly told I apparently seem to cause similar symptoms in others...
For the life of me I can't figure out why...
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