"Tell us a ghost story!"
Sunset -- and a double reflection in the glowing windows.
If I had painted this, people would say it was too overdone.
And these are why a phone with a camera in it is a brilliant idea!
2 months ago
I am a fan of a digital camera on a phone for many reasons.
I use them professionally, a lot.
I use them for art, a bit.
I use them to remember things, important and not, all the time.
I use them to convey meaning to distant persons, a bit.
Sometimes, I use them for whimsy.
When phones started getting cameras we thought they were a pointless gimmick, until the news story hit about the kid that got a photo of the guy that tried to lure him into his car for a "ride". And the license plate.
We had to post a reminder in the Salt Mines that there are some job-related things that should not be photographed with a cell phone, for security reasons, but, yeah, they're pretty handy.
Usually the pics are of much more prosaic things than that, like cats or sunsets the shots at the range last weekend. (Eventually to be a blog post!)
I like Mostly Cajun's observation that it's interesting how UFO sightings seem to have gone down considerably since camera phones/digital cameras have become ubiquitous.
You caught that double reflection in the windows just right. Almost looks like that wing of the building is on fire. Nice dish farm there too.
I love the camera phones. I also love digital cameras. But it makes me sad. I am from the old school, and when I bought my first house at age 19, the first thing I did, was set up a darkroom in my Michigan cellar. I only developed black and white 35 mm pics. Contact printing to start out. God how I loved that stuff. I still have some of the pictures of my infant daughter somewhere that I shot and printed myself. What proud parents we were.
I had an Olympus OM-1, with just a skylight filter to start. Then added lenses as I could afford to. First a teleconverter. I can't remember the rest of what I added, but I spent a pretty good bit of money for a working stiff as I loved what I could do with that camera.
Flash forward 30 some years, and I found myself giving all of my Olympus stuff to my now married daughter as a keepsake. Not as something she would ever use, but just for the memories.
I saw a Canon Eos Rebel with a complete set of lenses, I mean, 6 or 7 different focal lengths, in a second hand store, for if I remember correctly, 25 dollars. When it came out, it was the next best thing since sliced bread.
Now, with digital cameras, you can't even give 35 mm cameras away. I hardly even gave the Canon Eos a second look. I would have bought it, and used it once, and have put it in the closet next to my other film cameras. I still have 2 or 3 decent ones, that I look at once in awhile, then just shake my head sadly, and grab my digital Canon and go on my merry way.
We all know digitals are much better. Just like we know that the new cars are better. They perform better, they last longer, they cost less to run, etc.
They still leave a small hole in my heart. Sometimes I wonder if progress is really a good thing.
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