Start with this pile, more or less L-R: a commercial 4:1 balun, which I may sub for my HB one to see if there's any difference. The gadget with the meters and big knob is a benchtop variable autotransformer -- with some kind of a low-voltage DC supply. Alas, the DC is not isolated from the power line, so that will all take looking at. Nice cabinet, the autotransformer looks okay, the meters are value items but pretty rugged. On top of it, a box containing a dozen leaf-type lever switches, bought for $4 because "you're the only person who has shown any interest." Interest I've got, I have been buying these on sight for an old broadcast console I hope to restore. On top of the switches, a Bakelite project box and on it and to the right, a lot of commercial plug-in transmitting coils; I passed on them last year at the marked prices; this year I got them at just over half price. A couple of bags of decent coax connectors in front, along with some books and a little, inexpensive vise. Last but not least, a "grab bag" of parts. It included a handful of RF chokes and microswitches, and the price was right.
Small stuff! Tube sockets, including breadboard types and backshells for inline plugs or sockets, a ceramic-base knife switch, calibrated dials, tiny alligator clips (great for coil taps!), two ceramic pilot-light sockets, some Teflon-insulated wire, a couple of small speakers and Indiana-made telegraph key parts (fingerpieces for a Les Logan bug, a pendulum weight for a Vibroplex Original or Blue Racer) in the tiny bags with "Made in USA" flags. Some 10-32 taps (for a buck each? Yes!), a vernier knob, another that says "INCREASE OUTPUT" and some 90-degree headphone jacks.
Plus I got to meet my friend Don, who I rarely see outside of hamfests but who is one of the nicest guys I know. Had to keep my distance lest he catch this cold but it's always good to chat awhile.
2 months ago
Are those coax connectors the good, old, silver-plated Amphernol connectors?
(They drink up rosin-flux solder ever-so-nice.)
And aren't your radios primarily pre-war balanced-line gear?
Haven't been to a good 'fest in 15 years. Old radio gear has the same kind of smell old airplanes have, meaning *nice*...
Most of my commercial transmitters -- and half my antennas -- use coax. These are modern, silver-plated, Teflon-insulated, crimp outer/solder center PL-259s. Good crimp tools have dropped way down in price and after working with all-crimp BNCs for decades, I'm a convert. Do 'em properly and they work fine.
Man, I would do evil things for a couple of double-pole knife/lever switches... :(
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