That seems to be Secretary Clinton's thesis after having had her selection confirmed as the Democrat nominee for the Presidency.
As reasons go, I think it's slightly worse than "Vote for me, I have no filter and I have made a lot of money."* Maybe a lot worse, since she's asking voters to vote so she can make a record, like being the first woman to climb Everest or trek to the sources of the Nile. Valentine Tereshkova and Sally Ride were inevitable; however, the inevitability was not theirs but their role. Likewise, some day the U. S. will have a woman as President. She does not necessarily have to be Hillary Clinton.
Indeed not.
* "Vote for me, I'm good on trade and I have been a Governor," is looking better and better, if you ask me.
2 months ago
Ya know (up until they admitted she was guilty but they weren't going to charge her) that whole "Vote for Hillary! She's a WOMAN!!!" was probably the thing that pissed me off the most. Would it be cool to have a female president? Sure. But damned if I'm going to vote for someone solely because of their genitals......
Ms. Bobbi, I'm with you. Not that it matters much in AL; I expect a double digit margin of victory for Trump here, but I'll be damned if I'm voting for him or Clinton.
That's like voting for someone because they have more melanin...
Hardly a requirement.
Sadly, there are folks who will want to tell their grandkids, "I voted for the first woman president!".
Hopefully, not too many.
I'm not gonna lie, my first reaction was "But Bobbi and Tam said they wouldn't run!"
We've tried the novelty thing ("more melanin") in the last two elections. So far, I'm not impressed with the results.
Except they're running on the Libertarian Ticket, they sure sound like liberals. Especially on Supreme Court nominations.
I'm a liberal, only without the big government and social engineering. Six guys want to all marry one another? I don't care. You want to do coke? I don't care unless you endanger others. You want to observe the Sabbath strictly or not at all? Fine by me. You want to own a machine gun, or a dozen? As long as you pay for it, I'm okay with it.
When Barry first ran, I was accused of "yew don't wanna vote for a black man!"© My retort was I'd love to, but I couldn't talk Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams into the rectal exam nesissary....
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