Our grocery store has a nice deli counter. They often have small pork roasts in their hot food case, which I'll build supper around on nights I am too tired or busy to cook. I did so last Friday.
Even a small pork roast is more than enough for two adults; I stashed the leftover roast in the freezer that night and moved it to the fridge Saturday night.*
By late Sunday morning, I was up, feeling much better and hungry, too. There was a potato that wanted cooked, an onion in the fridge, and that nice big pork roast... Say, couldn't I make hash with all that?
I could. I did.
It cooked up nicely; I added a little this and that (rosemary, fennel seed, salt and pepper) and snipped in some pickled cherry peppers; add a fried egg on top and there it is:
Roast pork hash! Lots of flavor; might've been even better with a few shishito peppers, which go well with pork, but even without, it made for a fine breakfast. Served with a little pickled okra on the side, just because.
I'll be making this stuff again.
* My cold-or-whatever had become really bad by then. I could barely breathe through my nose. I figured Tam could carve herself a slice or two of pork roast for her Sunday dinner while I tried to get through the cold. Early Sunday morning, well before sunrise, I realized the ailment didn't quite have full head-cold symptoms, took an OTC allergy pill, and hey, presto! Within hours, I was cured! It was the worst allergy attack I've ever had.
2 months ago
That's a nice little breakfast. :-)
AH HAH! The mystery is solved. You must be allergic to Tam.
Now that we know, your loyal readers can assist in eliminating the source of your allergy attack.
I will be first. Step #1: Soak Tam in Tabasco sauce. #2: Store in basement for 24 hours. This simple remedy will eliminate the Tam germs affecting you.
Good luck!!
I'd pity the poor fool who tried Step 1. Briefly.
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