Sunday, September 29, 2019

Kind Of Liberating

     It's just me and the web-crawler bots again; I can post or not, depending on how I feel.  It's a weight off my back.


Eric Wilner said...

Who you callin' a web-crawler bot?

It's not like there's an actual obligation to post daily; blogging is supposed to be something you do when the mood strikes and you have something to say. Unless you're trying to make a living at it, and I never did grok how that was supposed to work. BIAWOL, or BIJAGDH? The latter somehow seems healthier.

Old NFO said...

That's good news. Less pressure is ALWAYS better!

Hammerbach said...

Be free- I'll see you when you want to write. Thanks for all you gave.

fillyjonk said...

To use a phrase I hate: "you do you" but I would miss the blog if it ended. Like others have said: there's no obligation to post. (but a lot of us like the free ice cream)

I know I threatened, when everything in my life seemed to be falling apart a few weeks back, to just go silent for "a couple months" but I could not. I admit my blog has been boring of late but at least getting it out of my head seems to help me, so even if no one reads or comments, I suppose it still has some value

Montana said...

Usually I visit on Saturday morning. Nobody but me at the dog are out of bed. It gives me time to really read. Way different than my daily dips with Tam and Uncle. Thanks. Now I need to go buy some Kindle books.