Or at least a serious slowdown. Posting every day has become an annoyance, especially given that I'm just not interested in commenting on politics any more.
I'd like to thank everyone who has read my blog over the years.
Blogging is dead; it's all short snippets on social media any more and about a third of those are out-of-context stuff chosen to rile up people's emotions with little concern about accuracy or nuance. Civil discourse is dead. Everything gets hammered over to the Left or the Right and it's all just pernicious bullshit. I'm sick and tired of it.
I'm also sick and tired of how my life is organized. I want to make some major changes. I don't know what they are, but it may involve a lot less stuff and a lot less people.
It's time for me to shed excess, slim down my possessions if I can bring myself to do so, and shut down my social life, which is largely a source of stress and unnecessary expense.
2 months ago
Don't give up, even if it's just a place for you to vent. I took almost two years off from my blog, and only after I started up again did I realize how much I missed it.
Do what you have to do for you.
I, for one, would miss your commentary, on everyday activities or what have you.
I have you on an RSS feed so if you simply cut back I'll still see it.
Either way, thanks for the Free Ice Cream over the years.
Maybe someday we'll meet up in at the Ft Wayne or Dayton fests.
I hope it doesn't, but if it does, thanks for the daily dose of mid-western common sense, humor, family, friendship, hardships, hard work, and cooking tips! You also got me to finally get my amateur radio license after a 55 year lapse-thanks!
If you decide to stop, God Bless you, and if you decide to stay, I'll be reading.
So long and thanks for all the... hash.
When you're gone, you'll be missed. I've made a habit of reading the blog since you kindly offered one of these, :D , when I pointed out a typo in a post:
Anonymous it was, because I forgot to fill out my name when composing the comment. Me stupid.
Good luck to you as you go along. I never knew you to be anything but courteous and patient with me or anyone else any time I commented here.
SHould you choose to shut down, I will support your decision.
But I will miss your writings.
Will miss you Rx.
If you do call in the felines and extinguish the heat source, never forget that you caused many folks unknown to you personally to vicariously roam the twee environs of BR. I am one and I'll miss "visiting" Rosenholme. Fair well, dear lady.
Please don't stop. And yet, there are those who love it!... Daniel Webster
Hopefully your reorganized lifestyle will include some aspect of public interaction, analogous to blogging. My thanks for all the interesting reads, and best wishes for future good fortune.
When blogging becomes a chore rather than fun, it time to hang it up. Life is too short for extra bullhockey and you can't buy time for at any price.
I haven't been a long time reader, but its been a genuine pleasure reading your recipes and gaining insights. Cat stories, sharing conversations. Good luck in your future endeavours - Thanks.
FWIW. you and I have met, once, in meatspace. At a bar in Knoxville TN, that closed a few years ago. I no longer have a blog, but I have lurked on yours for many years. I rarely comment, because my iterations are usually taken as random pablum and possible trolling. I have really enjoyed your IWOAS stories, and find that they translate into "what you really do" so nicely that they are a treat for me. As someone who has done a little bit of everything, your stories are greatly appreciated. I understand if you must move on, but your tales will be missed. Thank you for all your pouring out of your heart and your mind all these years. Your writings have been cathartic for me, as I suffer from similar feelings that you do, but my sufferings are my own. Just know that I have been here, enjoying all that you have written, good or bad, for a very long time. You are my friend, not in real space, but online, through your blog, for a lot of years, and you are appreciated. Make your decision as you will, just know that I will miss you. God Speed.
I,for one, would miss you. But I understand that you have to look after yourself first and foremost.
I hope you keep it up if even sporadic. I enjoy your writing, Thank you.
Thank you for all the good writing you've done over the years.
Hope you keep on in some form, we've enjoyed your blog since we found it and it is in my daily reads.
But if you must, I understand.
Thanks for all you have written / shared. We'll miss it.
In any case, my best to you and yours and great success with whatever you do!
73 es gn.
Do what you must, but you'll be missed.
Selfishly, it's been a daily stop always looked forward to.
Best wishes.
Thank you for your wit and wisdom over the years.
You will be missed. I have always enjoyed my time here. Thanks.
You have to do what’s best for you. Know that you’ll be missed if you decide to leave. As I hope they’ll still say on (Star)ships “Fair winds and following seas!”
Don't know that I've ever commented - I rarely do on blogs. Agree with the general sentiment. Do what's best for you - I'd never want anyone to do otherwise. Just know that we'll miss it. Thanks for what you've provided over the years.
It has been a fun ride. Do what works for you.
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