Sunday, August 18, 2024

Thanks, Googie

     A little while ago, I discovered I couldn't comment on my own blog.  They've changed how comments display, which may be related, and it gives me an error when I try to say something back to the people who said things to me.

     How fascinating.*
* In charm school, we learned to say "how fascinating" instead of "m-----f------s" when referring to the annoying actions of our fellow humans.  People can be so very fascinating, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. ( Same sentiment when expressed by a southerner.)

Ed said...

In the south, we were taught to say, "Bless your heart" to express that sentiment.

grich said...

Is it safe to assume the "test" post on the typing thread was you? Wait...why am I asking you a question if you can't answer back?

I live not far from a Google server farm...I'll send an appropriate salute in its direction for you. :)

Roberta X said...


Roberta X said...

And now it is working, at least on my iPad.