By dint of remarkable luck and a complete absence of planning, I have New Year's Eve off for once. All day, in fact. --Some planning was involved, I guess, but not for a holiday. I was holding back a vacation day in case Mom needed additional surgery, which has been put in hold in favor of less-invasive treatment. So the left-over day was "use it or lose it," and today was the very last chance to use it.
So far, I have slept in extravagantly, followed by a breakfast of such stunning decadence that Tamara demurred on one course: she skipped the stuffed cherry pepper omelet (pickled green cherry peppers, with a thin slice of prosciutto wrapped around some kind of hard, light cheese filling each one -- dice with some olives and hot pickle and you've got a fine omelet filling). Along with that (and her choice), a small stack of Swedish pancakes with blueberry jam between each layer and a little applewood-smoked bacon on the side. Yum!
1 month ago